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Create a New Project

The MolProphet platform is project-centric, with independent personnel and data between projects. Therefore, when using the MolProphet platform, we recommend creating separate projects for different targets/diseases.

Click the "Create New Project" button, then click "Continue" in the pop-up dialog box, and fill in the relevant information to complete the project creation.

In your homepage, after a project is created, you can access the project details page through the "View Project" button on the interface.

You can conduct your project here, maintain project-related information, and manage project team members.

Set Project Members Click the "Member Information" button to enter the project member management page. Here, you can add or remove project personnel (provided you are the project's PI or administrator), leave the project (the project PI needs to transfer PI rights before leaving, which you can do on the project information page), and perform other operations.

Maintain Project Information Click the "Project Information" button to enter the project information management page. Here, you can modify project name, project description, and other information. You can also transfer PI rights and set administrators (the object must be a platform user who has joined the current project) here.